Art store
A fully functional, custom web store built using Typescript / Next.js / Stripe. This is mainly a personal
project that I have worked on for about a year, from 2023 to 2024, mainly to challenge myself as a software
developer / designer and also to create something practical—a platform for people to purchase the quirky
art created by me and my friends.
IDE / Visualizer
Materials Designer
This is a mock app I built for a job interview. The company asked interviewees to create a single-page application which can render atoms in a 3D space. The arrangement of atoms in a crystal, or crystal lattice, can be scientifically analyzed to determine its properties, strengths, and weaknesses. In practice, this tool would help make informed decisions about which materials would be most suitable for an industrial product.
Computer Graphics
2D/3D Simulations
Math exists in everything. These worlds are created by keeping track of every single point in 3D and 2D
space. Camera view angles and perspectives are calculated using matrix multiplication and fundamental
concepts of linear algebra. Basically, everything we see and know to exist can be broken down into formulas
and lists of data points. Fun fact: the 3D model of the Notre Dame Cathedral in the video game Assassin's
Creed was used to help reconstruct the real one in Paris after it was burned down.
Ray Tracing in 3D using an Octree
This is an assignment for my class CS134: Computer Game Design & Programming at San Jose State University taken with Kevin Smith during fall semester 2018. Created using openFrameworks library, and developed in XCode IDE.
Pumpkin Cat & the Skulls
A 2D Vintage Arcade Shooter that demonstrates the use of game physics, collision detection, and particle/sprite systems while emphasizing a cleanly written object-oriented framework. This is a game I created for my CS134 class at SJSU with guidance from Professor Kevin Smith. It was coded in C++ and relies on the openFrameworks library. Sprites were drawn using Adobe Photoshop CS6.
Unbarrelble: A 3D Simulation
This is a demo of my final project for CS134, created with my partner, Cyrus. This game demonstrates the use of camera manipulation, above-height telemetry sensing, and collision detection using octrees. Collect as many fruits possible with the barrel which simulates a thrust and gravity force similar to one of a rocket in space. All 3D models were created using Maya.